Craig Wilcox wants to build 94 home airpark with a 3,000-foot paved runway in Belton, Missouri. He’s named the development Arrowhead Airpark.
On Tuesday, February 27, 2024 the Cass County Planning Board continued a special use permit septic permit hearing to March as reported by FOX4.
Locals are pushing back.
Peggy Bruce describes her Cass County neighborhood near 195th and Prospect as “very tranquil very quiet, very family oriented and I see airplanes flying over as a real impediment to that, both from the noise pollution standpoint, to the health to our kids.”
“I didn’t buy our house to live by an airport, that’s our major concern why are we putting an airport out at 200th and prospect,” said Greg Poremski.
The story noted one aviator – who’s given a deposit pending approval – spoke in support or the airpark, but did not publish his statement.