The man in the photo is Dave Sclair. To me… he’s Dad! Well, Dad passed away on Tuesday night, July 26. Mom and I were with him, reading stories from Dad’s work-in-progress book, “A somewhat lighthearted look at the life and times of Mary Lou & Dave”. We laughed, cried and remembered. If such an event can be peaceful, this was.

We talked Dad into checking himself into the hospital on February 27. We feared a stroke as the right side of his face wore a slight droop. Doctors told us the visual symptom was the result of brain tumors, not a stroke. A whirlwind five months later, Dad took his last breath.
For the tremendous support from friends near and far, thank you. There is so much more to say, but that will have to wait for another day.
Godspeed Dad. I love you!
3 replies on “Godspeed Dad”
Very sad to hear. Thanks to you both for what you have contributed to the GA community! It is great to know that Dave’s work continues.
Your Dad was a really Great Guy and will be missed by many, many people. I am very glad to see his fine work live on in you. God bless Dave, you, and your entire family.
Richard Simile
Premier Aircraft Sales
Your father was mentioned many times by different folks (airpark residents, developers, forum presenters, etc.) at EAA this year. If a one’s richness is based upon his friends, your father was a wealthy man.
You and your family have my sincere condolences.