Anyone have experience with…

Don Jonas sent us the following note: “I live on an airpark with a 2800 ft grass landing field. I’m located at Foristell, Missouri. Woodliff Airpark (98MO). I was watching a video on the website, (see video’s here). I would like to know if anyone has any comments, good or bad, with experience installing this product on a runway. This will allow us to use the grass runway during the rain days.”

The company is out of England with a North American office in Toronto, Ontario office. The website has an “airfields” section. Please post your comment below.

One reply on “Anyone have experience with…”

The two most important things that make a sod field serviceable are the quality of the sub-grade and the drainage. My civil engineering company used a similar product for an area of vehicle parking we designed for Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas. If the Airfield in question has a good draining sub-grade this product should work well. If however the subgrade is clay the field should be first crowned and graded to quickly remove rainwater before any type of reinforcing is added. The type of reinforcing shown will be of marginal value if the field is rutted or has soft spots. Your money would be better spent stabilizing the subgrade. Without more detail I can’t provide any more specific recommendations.

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