Story is laughably one sided

ABC News posted a story to its website titled, “FAA Says Hangar Homes Won’t Fly at Public Airports” today (Sept. 22, 2010). The story is laughably one-sided. From the story…

“Other problems include pets, people and private vehicles — including golf carts — wandering through fence openings onto airport tarmacs, including taxiways. Buildings and other structures erected by residents have also interfered with navigational radio signals and efforts to keep planes from coming too close together. Some airports have been unable to make “safety critical improvements” to taxiways and runways because of limitations resulting from the through-the-fence arrangements, the briefing paper said.”

As’s Brent Blue has said numerous times, show us the evidence of these alleged infractions. This story comes as a result of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee hearing today. Stay tuned.