Two airparks. One airport.

Windsock Village Airport is but one mile east of West Ossipee, New Hampshire. The 4,000-foot, lighted airfield is also home to two residential communities.

Windsock Village (the residential community) was developedĀ at the same time as the runway and taxiways in 1977 on the west side of the runway.

A decade, or so, later Soaring Heights was developed on the east side of the runway.

“We are technically two communities sharing a runway but we are actually one big happy family,” says Bob Pustell, Windsock Village Air Park resident.

Both communities have their own homeowner’s associations to care for the respective residential communities and there is a separate organization, Windsock Village Aviation Corporation, that operates the airfield. The property owners on both sides of the runway pay into that corporation to keep the aviation facility healthy.