Hangar financing sought

I’m a Mortgage Loan officer for a small Mortgage Broker company in Overgaard, AZ.

I’m looking for financing companies for aircraft hangers at our private airpark, Mogollon Airpark. I have lenders that will do the loans for the homes all day long, just not the hangers and I’m at my wits end trying to find the lenders for my potential customers.

Any help you can provide will be GREATLY appreciated!! I’m not looking for business, (if it came my way I wouldn’t turn it down) just some assistance.

Thank you so much!!

Denise Barker
Wholesale Lending LLC
MBBR 0108116

2 replies on “Hangar financing sought”

Hi Denise-

I happen to be a property owner at Mogollon Airpark, and I hope to be building a home and hangar at somepoint. Sounds like this is really a problem. There are many hangars and homes in the airpark. How did everyone else do it?


Hi Denise-

I am in the exact same situation and I lost a deal for a commercial hangar because it was on a leasehold. Any luck finding a lender yet? I would really appreciate your sharing the information. I happen to have an extensive backround in Aviation and would love to get in to that market sector.

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