We laughed, cried and remembered. If such an event can be peaceful, this was.Continue readingGodspeed Dad
Tag: Experts
I have been trying unsuccessfully for several months to find a local real estate agent with the expertise to market this project.Continue readingLooking for Nevada-based agent
Sessions lives on Cannon Creek Airpark in Lake City, Florida and has been a long-time forum co-presenter with Dave.Continue readingSessions to host SUN ‘n FUN forum
Do you have a packet and/or links to information for bank officials who are familiar with fly-in communities?Continue readingQuestion: Looking for knowledgeable lender
Been following through the fence issue. For now this does not appear to apply to privately owned, public access airports. Mid Valley Airpark (E98), NM has been open to public for 40 years. However, should we in any way shape or form accept state money, I can see we may get in a bind.Continue readingQuestion: What about state funds?
I am looking for experiences and suggestions pertaining to residential airparks where a developer or individual owns the underlying land of the runway(s), taxiways, roads and other common areas.Continue readingAirpark Land Ownership vs. HOA
There’s a fuel tank in the ground on the residential airpark property I am interested in acquiring. The seller hasn’t had fuel delivered in a number of years but he says the tank is sound and there’s no reason it can’t be filled by a local distributor of av gas or auto fuel. What are the rules on this?Continue readingPermit needed for fuel tank deliveries
After buying the property and moving here I discovered there are a few property owners who have failed to pay their annual assessments. The board of directors keeps talking about the situation but doesn’t appear to be doing anything.Continue readingWhat to do about those not paying
The Wall Street Journal quoted LivingWithYourPlane.com’s Ben Sclair when the newspaper highlighted three airpark properties for sale. The properties were located in Florida, Georgia and Indiana.Continue readingWSJ quotes Living With Your Plane
In our case, the owner of a commercial – residential lot on the airpark resides on the lot, and he operates an aircraft maintenance business on the lot.Continue readingShould commercial operators on residential airparks pay more than other residents?
Recently we asked insurance firms to tell us about liability insurance terms and fees for residential airparks. We received responses from Jon R. Shimer, Jr. of Aviation Insurance Resources and Norma Joyce of AUA. The information they provided is below together with the contact information.Continue readingInsurance firms provide answers to airpark liability coverages
Will relocate to work onsite on airpark project.Continue readingNeed an on-site architect for your airpark project?
At least two or three new airpark plans were revealed during the seminars and we’re added them to our listings of airports under construction or in the planning phase. Some of those in the list probably will actually be open during 2007.Continue readingSun ’n Fun forums had good participation
I’m looking for financing companies for aircraft hangers at our private airpark, Mogollon Airpark.Continue readingHangar financing sought