Positive ruling on residential airpark hangars

The property is platted and approved and the latest problem was getting approval for a hangar that exceeded 2,000 SF. Because local regulations and the national fire code rate such a structure as a commercial building it required considerable extra requirements.Continue readingPositive ruling on residential airpark hangars

Avigation Easement

Hidden Valley Airpark in Texas has shared their avigation easement as a starting point for others to use. Preparing such an easement for an airpark is important protection particularly if such agreements can be reached with those under the airpark flight patterns.Continue readingAvigation Easement

Conflicts on airparks

There probably isn’t any real solution to that problem because people are people and there are always going to be conflicts.Continue readingConflicts on airparks

Self-certification more important now

Well, recently a bill was introduced into the House of Representatives that calls for the TSA to establish security requirements for general aviation airparks – HR 3397 The General Aviation Security Act of 2005.Continue readingSelf-certification more important now

Airpark Security Self Certification

It is a good idea to have an Airpark Security Plan. Even if it is a self-certified plan, it shows airpark attorneys, insurance agents, area law enforcement, and government officials your airpark takes security seriously. Following is a starting point to put such a plan in place.Continue readingAirpark Security Self Certification

Residential Airpark Security

A residential airpark is a wonderful place to live, bring up a family and enjoy the convenience of living with your airplane, whether that is for business or pleasure.Continue readingResidential Airpark Security

Enforcing the CC&Rs

One of the major issues that continually comes up in discussions about residential airparks is how a homeowners association or an airpark developer enforces the covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs) that have been established.Continue readingEnforcing the CC&Rs

How do you handle CC&R violators?

A problem that crops up regularly at residential airparks concerns the individual who won’t live by the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs).Continue readingHow do you handle CC&R violators?

Blocking ‘Public’ areas

One problem that comes up from time to time relates to the blocking of a little used street or taxiway.
The blockage could occur from someone parking a motorhome in the right-of-way. Perhaps what originally was a small shrub has grown over the years into a pretty good-sized tree that impedes the easy movement of an airplane or car.Continue readingBlocking ‘Public’ areas