First, you mentioned that 75 percent of respondents said that their assessments were under $100 per month. I would like to know more. How much under were they? Did they average $50 a month, $60 a month or what.
Continue readingAre homeowner fees enough to meet all costs?
Tag: Research
Do some fly-in communities hire a firm to handle the day-to-day chores much like a condominium association might do?Continue readingAny fly-in communities managed professionally?
Buyers outnumbered sellers two to one. A total of 62 percent indicated they had bought property in the last year while 31 percent reported having sold during the same period.Continue readingReal estate survey shows interesting aspects
One of the primary objections to residential airparks – indeed all airports, large and small, public and private – centers around noise. This usually is generated by the number of airplane takeoffs and landings in a given period.Continue readingResidential airpark activity survey reveals interesting facts
Making roads and taxiways accessible for both planes and road vehicles is a question that frequently comes up. Is it safe? is obviously the most common question. Will it work on airparks of all sizes? What kind of planes operate out of airparks with joint use of roads and taxiways?Continue readingHow safe are joint use taxiways?
Have you had any experience with hangar doors, especially from Schweiss Bi-Fold and Hi-Fold, that you are willing to share?Continue readingGot any thoughts on hangar doors?
Whether you currently live on a residential airpark or are interested in the possibility of moving to one in the future, you probably are interested in the demographic makeup of such developments. Current residents may wonder if the residential airpark at which they live is unique or its breakdown of residents is average.Continue readingLatest Airpark Demographics Info
The appraisal of residential airpark property remains somewhat of a mystery in the world of real estate. Of course, since there aren’t thousands and thousands of residential airparks around the country where hundreds and thousands of homes change hands each year, it is difficult for appraisers to come up with good comps for residential airparks.Continue readingIdeas for valuing property
The subject of homeowner fees for residents of residential airparks comes up often among residents and would be residents. It seems to be a perennial topic for the meetings of airpark homeowner associations.
Recently we attempted to gather additional information on this subject with a survey. Continue readingSurvey results: Homeowner fees
Our survey on home sales at residential airparks drew 115 responses representing people in 40 states. That’s an excellent response and provides a lot of good information.Continue readingReal estate survey results
Recently we’ve had several inquiries from individuals and small groups interested in establishing residential airparks. Interestingly enough, the contacts have come from several regions of the country indicating to us that the interest continues to grow in this lifestyle.Continue readingBuilding a Residential Airpark
A LWYP subscriber inquired recently about developing a residential airpark. He was concerned that the number of airparks and their related lots and existing homes might be exceeding the demand.Continue readingAre airpark lots exceeding demands?
How many of the property owners on your airpark own a recreational vehicle of some type or another, such as a motor home, 5th wheel, pickup truck camper or trailer? Do these folks tend to use them a great deal of the time? Do they leave in their recreational vehicle more than they do in their airplane?Continue readingRecreational Vehicles
This survey was an informal fact-finding effort, with the objective of learning how other airparks have dealt with CC&R safety violations. I called approximately 50 airparks in and around Idaho, and held long conversations with over two dozen airport managers or association officers.Continue readingAirpark CC&R Safety Violations Survey
Some states compile data on airports and airparks in their state and as a matter of fact, a number of them license the airports and require that they come up to certain standards.Continue readingStates Licensing Airparks