The Wall Street Journal quoted’s Ben Sclair when the newspaper highlighted three airpark properties for sale. The properties were located in Florida, Georgia and Indiana.Continue readingWSJ quotes Living With Your Plane
Category: Blog
How much is reasonable annual dues or assessment for airpark residents and for what should the funds be used?Continue readingSetting HOA dues or assessments
We list 25 open airparks in Arizona and one under construction. The oldest listed airpark in Arizona was opened in 1958 – Moreton Airpark located at Wickenburg, AZ. However, six more claim to have started operations in the 1970s. Since the turn of the century, six more fly-in communities have opened for business.Continue readingInfo on airparks in Arizona
In our case, the owner of a commercial – residential lot on the airpark resides on the lot, and he operates an aircraft maintenance business on the lot.Continue readingShould commercial operators on residential airparks pay more than other residents?
My wife and I are in our early 60s and we’re interested in converting our farm strip into a residential airpark. We’re located about 25-30 miles from a city of about 100,000. How many lots should be expect to develop in the project and from whom do we have to get permission?Continue readingQ&A – Converting farm strip
Alabama has six airparks listed in the LWYP directory and Arkansas has eight. Interestingly one of those in Alabama was opened in 1957 and two came on line in 1975. Another opened for business in 1992 while one is under construction and the final one opened in 2006.Continue readingInfo on airparks in Alabama, Arkansas
One of our airpark property owners has his property for sale and the lookers aren’t particularly airplane people, from what I’ve learned. Is this going to be a problem and if so, what do we do about it?Continue readingQuestions & Answers on airpark living
Turf runways account for 60% of all the runways in the U.S. with many, of course, being on airparks. Nationwide, they account for 44,165 acres of land.Continue readingGot turf? Study breaks ground on maintaining turf runway
Liability coverage for residential airparks and individual homes is readily available from a wide variety of companies.Continue readingLongtime insurance agent comments on issue
In the event of an “incident” leading to litigation, most likely occurring on the runway, the situation becomes even more unclear.Continue readingProperty lines run through runway
Recently we asked insurance firms to tell us about liability insurance terms and fees for residential airparks. We received responses from Jon R. Shimer, Jr. of Aviation Insurance Resources and Norma Joyce of AUA. The information they provided is below together with the contact information.Continue readingInsurance firms provide answers to airpark liability coverages
For this final report we’ll provide responses to our questions about non-aviation folks buying airpark lots, enforcement of architectural rules, allowing junk to accumulate on lots and commercial operations from residential airparks.Continue readingSurvey Results: Problems at Airparks – Part 3
Meeting attendance, noise complaints, and non-resident touch-and-goes.Continue readingSurvey Results: Problems at Airparks – Part 2
Violating airpark rules, animals, assessments, and bikes/motorccyles.
Continue readingSurvey results: problems at airparks
Several of the property owners at our residential airport are concerned about this. We don’t want to slowly lose control of our airpark.Continue readingHow do you keep non-pilots from buying on airpark?