The (Australia) Northern Star writes in a January 5 story the Evans Head Memorial Aerodrome has interest from both airpark and nursing home developers. The aerodrome is located in New South Wales North Coast. Click here for the complete story.Continue readingEvans airport future up in the air
Category: Blog
Interested in getting involved on the ground level of creating a residential airpark?Continue readingWant to help start an airpark near Atlanta?
My questions are about Liability Insurance and what kind of cost would be average. I would also like to put it on your web site and any other thing I may need to know on thing to do.Continue readingInsurance for an airpark in development
Most documents allow for a member or a group of members to call for a meeting of the general membership. Exactly what number or percentage of homeowners is required to generate such an action is different from one community to another.Continue readingCan a homeowner call a general meeting to discuss activity by the current board?
Just wanted to let you know that LWYP saved our Homeowners Association almost $1,000 in insurance premiums this year. The past several years we had been paying Air Capital Insurance of Wichita, Kansas, $2900 for a $500,000 liability policy.Continue readingLWYP survey helps save nearly $1,000
He wants to build a home and 2,000-square-foot hangar that will make for quick access to the airport. Nothing more, nothing less.Continue readingOld agreement causing headaches in Boulder
Bob Banman’s hangar-condo project at the Santa Paula (Calif.) airport is garnering a great deal of press. Earlier this week The Huffington Post ran a story, now the San Francisco Chronicle picked up the story and ran it both online and on page B-6 of the print edition.Continue readingSanta Paula hangar-condo project gets more press
What’s the best form of organization and management for a residential airpark and how should the property be owned?Continue readingWhat is the best airpark legal structure?
What do you think is the critical number of homesites needed for a fly-in community to work? Is there an optimum size of the lots and how many acres do I need for the runway and related taxiways, roads, etc.Continue readingQuestion: Optimum airpark lot/size
An airpark is always also an airport, but an airport isn’t necessarily an airpark.Continue readingDifference between airpark and airport
We are having a problem with horses on one acre lots with homes and hangars.Continue readingQuestion: Homes, hangars and horses
Illinois’ 18 airparks include four that opened in the 1960s and 1970s. The oldest of the group saw its first operations in 1966 with another one in 1969.Continue readingAirparks in Illinois
Do you know of any Privately owned, public access airparks that have done something similar? It would be nice to see an existing lease arrangement to use as a convincing tool and layout for our own paperwork. Continue readingQuestion: Know of any county leases?
The simple solution to most of the problems is called “being a good neighbor.”Continue readingQuestion: Non-airpark neighbors concerns
The end result is that it appears we received information on about 35 to 40 transactions.Continue readingResults from airpark buying & selling survey